We are a diverse group of believers from every walk of life, culture and income level.
We focus on the whole Word of God. That’s to say we speak the truth
in love but we refuse to water down God’s Word so we “don’t offend”
anyone. We won’t sugar-coat the teachings of Christ to gain a larger
audience, but rather speak the truth and let God add to the church as
stated in Acts 2:46 & 47.
“So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking
bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and
simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people.
And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved”(NKJ).
We believe that you need to have a real relationship with Jesus
Christ. We trust and believe in the power, love and gentleness of the
Holy Spirit to work in people’s lives to convict and bring repentance to
gain salvation and become part of the body of Christ in this local
As a congregation, we continually watch God work in the lives of our
own people. We see miracles of restoration in marriages and
relationships. We see jobs and finances being restored. Many have been
set free from alcohol, drugs and violence. This is the true essence of
Christianity, to love one another unconditionally and let God’s love
work in people’s lives to bring them to Christ.
If you want the non-watered down, un-edited real truth found in the Bible, this is the place for you! WELCOME!
What To Expect
Come join us for a powerful time of praise and worship followed by
incredible preaching and teaching of God’s word and principles.
Pastor Jeff & Pastor Jennifer have a unique way of bringing a
fresh word that is both simple to understand and apply to your everyday
As well, if you’re in need of prayer, there’s an opportunity for
personal one-on-one ministry after each alter call on Sunday evenings at
5:00 pm and Tuesdays at 7:00 pm. If you do not know the Lord or you
need personal ministry and prayer, please come visit us at our service